Get Involved with Us!
We'd love to have you.

Opportunities for Artists
If you are an artist, art historian, or teacher interested in offering online or live classes, workshops, or seminars through the Long Island Arts Council at Freeport, please contact us with your ideas! We’d love to hear from you.
If you are an artist and would like your work to be featured in the Art Alcove or Art Alley, please contact us with your information, a description of your work, and images of some of the pieces you’d be interested in showing.

Become a Volunteer
Volunteers are always welcome at the Long Island Arts Council at Freeport! As a volunteer, you'll have the opportunity to help at our events or in the office. You'll get to make friends with other friends of the arts and like-minded volunteers, you'll feel great that you're helping to make the arts even more viable, you'll get to know our community, you'll make a difference, and you'll have fun! Feel free to give us a call, send us an email, reach out on the socials, or show up at an event and find one of our friendly volunteers and we'll get you all set up!

Internships Welcome
This internship offers the ability to have hands-on participation in helping promote a non-profit arts organization. The candidate is encouraged to think ‘outside-the-box’ in creating and implementing guerilla marketing and promotion strategies with a goal of increasing audience attendance and public awareness.
Internship Details
The ideal candidate for this position will have a strong interest in marketing, public relations, and advertising as well as a love for the arts.
Other strengths include:
a creative and outgoing personality;
excellent spoken and written communication;
event planning and delivery skills;
an understanding of the local arts and culture community of Long Island and/or a desire to learn;
flexibility and initiative to work both independently and as part of a team;
excellent time and personal management skills;
strong computer, social media marketing, and internet literacy;
Reports to:
Executive Director and Board. Time commitment to be determined. May be taken for academic credit.
help in ‘branding’ the LI Arts Council at Freeport within Freeport and surrounding communities;
assist in the assembly and dissemination of brochures, press kits, marketing material, flyers, programs, etc.;
attend Arts Council events; assist in handing out programs, encourage attendees to join our email list, take (digital) pictures, assist in other duties as needed;
represent LI Arts Council at Freeport at various arts and cultural organization meetings on Long Island, as appropriate.
Please send us a cover letter and resume ATTN: Internships